Michael Härtl

Results 134 comments of Michael Härtl

Looks like this repo is quite dead. My related issue #13 was never commented. Maybe we should start a new adminer project? Should be quite simple to build a `Dockerfile`.

@mathroc I always wanted to, but never found the time. So please go ahead and let us know here where to find it.

@mathroc @kusmierz I think it's not helpful for @clue to have 3 open PRs here now. Could you maybe close the irrelevant ones? Would be great to finally see some...

@clue I disagree. I don't see, why its a problem to always create a tag. It makes things clearer and users will always know, which version of adminer they are...

> A new release of Adminer is out, now let's wait for the image to update as well… I'd say that's even more an argument **for** tags. Without a tagged...

> This image is currently set up to automatically trigger a build regularly, see also https://hub.docker.com/r/clue/adminer/builds/ As far as I know, that's not a feature of docker hub. Docker hub...

Contrieved scenario: You write a custom plugin that you use with this image (by sharing some local volume or the like). That plugin is only compatibly with 4.2.x of adminer....

@mathroc If I need a workaround like this, then I don't need this image at all. I can build my own adminer from scratch. Really: It seems that @clue is...

Here's a proposal to make everyone happy: We point to the `latest` release in the `master` branch and create git branches for dedicated releases, e.g. `4.2.2` where we point to...

@clue Any opinion on this?