Is there an idiomatic way of checking the current state of the connection, or would I need to track that myself in the `onConnect`/`onError`/`onClose` callbacks?
As near as we've been able to determine, this problem stems from the automated heartbeat messages that Event Store sends (adding the `sendPing` helped but the connection still eventually died)....
And for any [future visitors](https://xkcd.com/979/), this is roughly the ping logic we're using: ``` var connected = false; connection = new client.Connection({ // settings onConnect: function () { connected =...
Here's the relevant bit from `/var/log/eventstore/`: ``` [PID:09313:025 2018.03.27 15:28:05.991 INFO TcpConnectionManager] Connection 'external-normal' [, {e4fc4784-93a0-4111-b8bb-d037ce0d8708}] closed: Success. [PID:09313:031 2018.03.27 15:28:05.992 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Lost connection from [PID:09313:032 2018.03.27 15:28:05.998...
Sorry I lost the thread on this, had to deal with a couple other issues that popped up. What would you want from a packet capture? This is running on...
After a certain degree of bumbling and false starts, I have successfully obtained a packet capture....which is chock full of a bunch of proprietary data that I don't think I...
Okay, I managed to randomize/obfuscate the sensitive data with relative ease. Let me know if this is what you need. [capture.zip](https://github.com/x-cubed/event-store-client/files/1891505/capture.zip)