Mike Gajda
Mike Gajda
Sure that'd be great, thanks @slonka!
:wave: @lukidzi & @Ferdudas97 wanted to introduce myself here since @`slonka and I worked on this a bit before. I've picked up work on Envoy again and would love to...
:wave: any updates here? I'd be happy to help get this merged as I'm hoping to deploy this change soon
Taking a look at this in a moment @Ferdudas97! Thanks for getting it to this point
What's the state of this and are there plans to get this merged in? @sschepens how has this been working out in production for you? I'm working on a project...
Thanks for the comment @slonka and pointing me at the allegro control plane stuff, I'll reach out on slack if I run into anything
:wave: I have been working here on a version of this that has some testing (working on more) and changes how versions are generated, would love to hear some thoughts/comments...
This is a pretty cool project. I've done some cursory searching, and it appears using something other than jimp might do the trick. [GraphicsMagick](https://github.com/aheckmann/gm) has support for adding text of...
Yeah this sounds like a thorny issue, if I come up with something I'll let you know
We'd be interested in this feature at HubSpot for similar scalability reasons