Mike Dingjan
Mike Dingjan
Hi @maerteijn , This is true, we're using it in a project already and works good. However, merging without the documentation isn't something I like to do, it's simply not...
I think some explanation about how to use the mixin and maybe validate if the rest of the docs are still valid (I think so though)..
As I remember correctly the ``canonical_page`` is a foreign key with ``models.SET_NULL`` e.g. when removing a default language it'll remove all pages of that language, and make all the other...
If a proper check can be implemented for the cookie if the value doesn't change, I don't see any problems with changing this to only set it when the value...
Hi @WalterMccan, The other options should be working as well.. maybe you can provide us with a bit more detailed report of what is happening in your setup?
I think so too. If we provide a utility for querying these pages it shouldn't be a problem. Keeping the page type the same is not changing anything with the...
wagtail/wagtail#3504 will be shipped in Wagtail 1.10, so this isn't blocked anymore..
Some more information about multi language sitemaps: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/189077?hl=en