Mike May
Mike May
Currently, the tests can't compile because the Telemetry inner class does not exist. Change tests to use reflection so that the project will build.
The [user-defined-exception](https://github.com/exercism/v3/tree/master/languages/csharp/exercises/concept/user-defined-exceptions) exercise has a story in which we are using a test harness to test a calculator by calling its `Multiply()` method. See this [example](https://github.com/exercism/v3/blob/master/languages/csharp/exercises/concept/user-defined-exceptions/.meta/Example.cs). We are attempting to...
This exercise includes the `while-loops` concept. We should add a note to _after.md_ alongside the discussion of `while` to describe how and why `do...while` is used. Include `do-while` as a...
Review `randomness` exercise to see if the details of the _wizards and warriors_ story can be improved.
Add a concept of `casting-numbers` to the `numbers` exercise _design.md_, _introduction.md_ and _after.md_. No code or instructions change is required. Alternatively, add concept of `casting` to numbers and change the...
The C# exercise documentation has many cross-references (identified by (TODO cross-ref-tba)). These will need to be turned into actual references or links once we see what the site looks like....
Although the `casting` exercise dwells more on type conversion and reference types we do enumerate all the various ways in which way one type can be converted to another. The...
There is a mismatch (see tables, below) between the concepts attributed to an exercise in [csharp/reference/README.md](https://github.com/exercism/v3/blob/master/languages/csharp/reference/README.md) which reflects the original concept-scraping task performed by the track's maintainers and what is...
Add an example of `cast` syntax to _introduction.md_ and _after.md_ to illustrate explicit numeric conversion.
Through a largely mechanical process the original _after.md_ document for each of the C# exercises has been split into _about.md_/_links.json_ files. Each component concept of the exercise is allocated a...