Mike May
Mike May
I think `flag-enums` is a bit too niche to use for compound operators. What about `numbers`? `arrays` is a bit crowded and we don't want too much in `basics`. Alternatively,...
I have raised the question of _Exercise files need to be changed or new exercises need to be added where concepts appear to be introduced in an unconventional context (e.g....
Should we consider closing this issue and combining the concept with `struct`s? Exposure to the subtleties of heap vs. stack, large object heap, garbage collection might fit more easily in...
Sounds good. Part of my reasoning was the difficulties of setting puzzles. It's also related to a point I was trying to make under Exercism's Ambition [here](https://github.com/exercism/v3/issues/690#issuecomment-641066362).
- Contrast C# developers' attitude to out-of-memory conditions with those of lower level languages like C.
Concepts in csharp/config.json not in csharp/reference/exercises.json addressed in PR exercism/v3#2260.
The missing concepts related to `classes` are discussed [here](https://exercism-team.slack.com/archives/CC3E85VCZ/p1605622635046100)
The missing concepts related to `classes` are addressed with PR exercism/v3#2822.
Included `polymorphism` as part of the `inheritance` concept - PR exercism/v3#2887
The issues related to the `basics` exercise/concept have been resolved in PR exercism/v3#3059. All the missing concepts are treated as sub-concepts of the `basics` concept.