Michael Clayton

Results 32 comments of Michael Clayton

To reproduce, follow steps similar to #1344 to create a basic dummyuser account with limited access, but give the account read/write access to the logged on user's AppData folder to...

For a simpler example: ```text PS> Test-Path "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pester" False PS> Import-Module -Name .\securityfever-2.5.0\SecurityFever -ErrorAction "Stop"; PS> $Cred = Get-Credential; # enter dummy user credentials cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position...

It seems that ```Get-Item``` will throw a System.Security.SecurityException with the message "Requested registry access is denied" exception if you try to get the registry key when impersonating with inadequate permissions,...

I've had a similar issue with custom role definitions, and I have a very kludgy workaround in case it helps anyone. **The Problem** In my case, the problem was creating...

@Jetbrains - could we get a comment on when this PR might be reviewed / merged / released? We're currently blocked on using azure cloud profiles in teamcity due to...

Same issue here with these versions: * TeamCity Enterprise 2020.2.2 (build 85899) * Azure Resource Manager Cloud Support 9.6.0 With the "debug-cloud" logging preset enabled we see this in our...

See also https://teamcity-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010664580-Cloud-profile-creation-issues for another affected user.

I *think* all the PowerToys utilities are based on keyboard shortcuts and there's no options to associate specific mouse buttons, but what you can *potentially* do (and it's what I...

:-(. If you've got extra keys like mine on your **keyboard** like media "play / pause / mute" etc your *keyboard* software might let you at least make it a...

FWIW, it seems to work here ok... https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1193763/222393238-91613798-ba54-4fbc-9328-1487b4cd3c69.mp4 The settings stay in sync and Mouse Jump gets enabled via both the settings panel and the system tray shortcuts. Might need...