Mike Cann

Results 50 issues of Mike Cann

Just a suggestion. Have you considered using macros to generate nodes, so the user doesnt have to create lots of Node classes? Not thought through all the problems with this...

I am just reading up on DataLoaders and in the readme (https://github.com/graphql/dataloader) it mentions: > Avoid multiple requests from different users using the DataLoader instance, which could result in cached...

Line 61 of Google.js in server throws an error when trying to login using Google. It can be worked around by doing the following: ``` if (profile.picture) user.picture = profile.picture.replace('sz=50',...

Am I correct in thinking that this library will no longer work in Manifest v3 with persistant background pages going away? Edit: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/migrating_to_manifest_v3 Basically background pages are going away being...

help wanted

Hi, Apologies if this doesn't follow the usual issue convention. I noticed that refinements are now deprecated in favour of brands. Im just wondering the reason for this exactly as...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Deno and Edge functions are becoming more and more popular with services such as Supabase functions now using them. Im...

**Describe the bug** Im trying to use this awesome looking lib with esbuild targeting cloudflare workers and I am getting the following error: ``` [mf:err] Error: Dynamic require of "path"...


Hi, Really impressive work with this lib mate, I have been an MST fan for quite some time but have been frustrated by its shortcomings so this lib is really...

🍗 enhancement
💬 under consideration

When testing keystone models that have "ref" properties it can be tedious to have to setup a root model that contains the referenced model before testing the referencing model so...

🍗 enhancement

I have tried to adapt your sample to use Durable Objects but am struggling to get it to work. Seems like issues around building and mini-flare, any ideas?