Mike Bronner
Mike Bronner
looking for this as well. :) here's i what i'm using: ``` cson '.platform-darwin': 'ctrl-shift': 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder ```
Update: what I have done so far, and it seems to work, is to comment out tailwind base and utilities from my css file, like so: ```css @import "https://unpkg.com/tailwindcss@^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css"; /*...
> Hi @mikebronner > > My understanding is fig should be above powerlevel10k, even with instant prompt. > > Could you try uninstalling (`fig uninstall`) and then re-installing and clicking...
> Also, run `fig` rather than `fig launch` this works, and shows the following prompt output: ```sh ╰─❯ fig ─╯ → Launching Fig... → Opening https://app.fig.io... ``` Unfortunately it does...
> To confirm this suspicion, if you run `exit` while SSHd into a remote machine does it quit the terminal entirely or just throw you into a local shell session?...
> Interesting problem though, @sullivan-sean any ideas? I suspect you might see more of this issue, as more people start using GitHub Codespaces. We're working on transitioning from RemoteSSH to...
Not sure about this, I will have to think about it.
@MoogyG Thanks for providing additional details. It sounds like the flash methodology should not flash info out to json requests, but only to web requests. I will try adding the...
I would love a PR for this, if there is a way to elegantly handle the timeouts. I could see redirecting to the login page if the drip encounters a...
@barryvdh Thanks for the suggestion, I will take a look at that. :) @royduin I think that kind of logic does beyond what I envisioned for this package. I think...