Mike Barlow

Results 7 comments of Mike Barlow

Sorry to revive an old issue but it seemed more sensible then creating a new one. @curry684, Your explanation, is this the reason why the zips aren't removed even if...

Any chance of getting this merged in and released soon? Would save me a ton of time having to maintain a fork! 🙏

The package as it stands doesn't even have tests for creating servers, so how do you know server creation works at the moment? 😉

Hey, I'm a colleague of @gavrichards and just tested this. It did indeed stop us from getting this error message. ```bash Your binary indicates that your app tracks users. -...

Yeah, it seems the same aside from the output. We are wanting to keep the same file type at the moment so in our instance it is trying to save...

Sadly that didn't work, still getting the same error when saving as gif. I have also tried bumping the libvips version at the top of the Makefile to, what appears...

Yeah, looks like that will be my next step. @xtrinch are you able to confirm if your build works if you do change the output format to gif?