
Results 8 comments of Michael

Does google scholar provide this information? does anyone here have a sample query that can do this? im unable to find any indication that given a paper i can get...

@cliveb im not sure how to import with css and specify the class as is done with ``, this line from your fiddle looks like it will not work though,...

So really it seems to me to be more of a problem with the url and font-family name, googles font servers are properly setup with CORS headers (its google after...

@cliveb its hard to see whats going on without a simple case on jsfiddle which reproduces your case, but try changing on this line https://github.com/cliveb/socialmrpsite/blob/master/themify.js#L13 from `font=Material+Icons` to `font=Material Icons`...

What you need is probably the convex hull algorith, already present in d3.js, here is a demo http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4341699 EDIT: probably not convex hull, check out this function in another leaflet...

Hi, i meant this for the API, not the GUI

Has this been addressed yet? it would seem in this sample, the `pseudo_family` is not set, neither is the `parameters` according to the params_scf, and neither is the pseudo, whats...

> Thanks for pinging this issue again, @mikeatm. I haven't come around to fixing the `kpoints` override yet, will try to prioritize this. A couple of comments on the code...