My main concern would be that that this could be used to DDOS us via the API call limit. We would need to include some code to prevent the user...
Right, the implementation should be very simple. We could probably even just wire it into the existing routeSelectionPublishSubject inside getSelectedRoutesObservable via a merge or similar and rely on the existing...
I can't find any documentation or policy that directly states that, but what I do find suggests that it's true. Based on the [Google Play Developer Program Policies](https://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy.html) it looks...
What was the point of this ticket? It's so old at this point that both of the links in the description are broken or point to a page with no...
The core issue still exists, but as of 6.4rc all toasts are LENGTH_SHORT which should mitigate this somewhat.
Self-assigning this one, can probably be fixed with some Rx operator to filter out some of these intermediate states.