Mike Ward
Mike Ward
I use the same method as @danpaz documents. (https://github.com/mike-ward/talk-nancyfx). I don't even bother pushing to master. I just edit and push everything to `gh-pages`. Works nicely.
The `. . .` syntax is perhaps sufficient. Any line with only `. . .` and/or surrounding whitespace indicates a pause. ``` - item . . . - item 2...
Even more obvious ``` - item 1 /* pause */ - item 2 ```
What about just a class specification on the slide itself (incremental-lists)? Bullet lists for that slide would then be increamental. Doesn't require a change to the current slide syntax and...
Cleaver currently supports adding classes to sldes. Example: ``` -- my-slide-class ``` My proposal exploits a mechanism already in place.
I think I'm understanding your code. Not familar with the Cleaver code, but it looks like the forward/back logic takes a promise given your example. Of course, the tricky part...
I'm buried in my own open source projects. I was thinking of a more immediate solution. A plugin architecture may be more too much for me at this time.
No, no, no. Must concentrate on own projects. Do not be distracted by shiny :sparkles: new project :smile:
We'll see when it arrives. Right now, my current computer won't even run Win 11. Too old.
Update: I think I"m going to drop Loon.iOS. The interface is not really built for mobile. I could use help with adding a script to build Loon as a MacOS...