Mike Matera

Results 19 comments of Mike Matera

This project is dead. You can use my library in its place: https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL

This project is dead. I have a replacement you can install using the Arduino Library Manager: https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL

Hi. This project is dead. I maintain a replacement: https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL You can install it directly from the Arduino Library Manager. This issue is fixed in my copy.

This project is dead. I have a library that's available in the Arduino Library Manager called ArduinoSTL.

This project seems to be dead. I've recreated this effort in a ArduinoSTL. It's available in the Arduino library manager.

Hi, You can't use a queue this way in Arduino because you should never call malloc() in an ISR. Also, you can't use a mutex because an ISR should never...

Wow! I'm so flattered. Thanks.

Hello! Thank you! I'm concerned that this takes away the `is_integer` templates from C++11 without compiler checks. Should we make sure that if you're using C++11 that the old code...

Hello and thanks! I've recently merged changes that updated the way `noexcept` is handled in C++17. That's caused merge conflicts. Are you still interested in this patch? Could you update...

What processor are you using?