Mike Engel

Results 50 comments of Mike Engel

Unfortunately I've also run into this problem just running builds on travis-ci. Unfortunately they still only allow for the 2014 ubuntu LTS (trusty). It's not possible to install or use...

@ELLIOTTCABLE Thanks for the issues! At this point, I don't use reason anymore, so I probably won't be able to look at these issues in a timely manner. If you...

@ELLIOTTCABLE It's pretty simple really :). I decided to use Reason for a small project of mine ([barnacal](https://github.com/mike-engel/barnacal)) and after using it for that, decided I was just more comfortable...

Thanks @andresgutgon for reporting this. Unfortunately electron is pretty far behind macos for tray icons, so there are a few issues that would need to get cleared up before I...

Unfortunately not. I haven't had time to update this from a super old version of electron to the latest version, and won't in the foreseeable future. If anyone has a...

Hi @Drulac, thanks for the issue—unfortunately I don't have much time to devote to this project anymore. If you'd like to submit a PR I'd be happy to review it....

Hi @Dinakhaled i’m not sure when I’ll get time for this, so if you’d like to make a PR, I’d be happy to review it

Solve https://github.com/mike-engel/floating-label-react/issues/7

Yep, I was thinking purely opt in. I guess that would be two props: `collapsible`, and `startCollapsed` (or something). I'm assuming that by the `square` docs, you mean [these docs](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square)?...

I like the idea of API docs moving to a separate tab, but I think I'll leave that for another PR. I'm new to Ember so I think this PR...