Mike Bourgeous
Mike Bourgeous
Line 11 of checkout_controller_decorator.rb calls `update_attribute` on an order to set the order's email address, but this saves the order without running validations. This saves blank addresses (all fields `nil`)...
This tells Readline to ignore the color codes in the default color prompt, so the up and down arrows work correctly.
Hi there! Thanks for Rubyvor! I use Rubyvor as one of the switchable Delaunay Triangulation backends in my mb-geometry gem. While testing with Ruby 3.0.1 I found that Rubyvor depends...
This change computes the full value parameter using both MSB and LSB for the `MIDI::PitchBend` and `MIDI::SongPointer` message types from the midilib gem. I updated the specs to match. I...
It looks like this sentence is trying to say that the energy of a source within a *bin* determines source domination of that bin, rather than the energy of the...