Michal Zuber

Results 8 comments of Michal Zuber

Does it throw any exception or error? The redirect URI must match that was specified for the app in the settings at https://www.linkedin.com/developer/apps

What about checking out how https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent does it? I saw thread code in thread_* files

have the same issue and don't know why. Don't understand why `The requested action is not allowed` ? Created multiple other customers without issue previously

Removing those `WARN` rows didn't help

Tried without monolog and the same ``` multitail: /home/mike/.cache/yay/multitail/src/multitail-7.1.2/utils.c:366: amount_to_str: Assertion `amount >= 0' failed. [1] 659760 IOT instruction (core dumped) multitail -l 'docker-compose logs --no-color -t -f ws-app-services ```...

``` $ coredumpctl debug PID: 800078 (multitail) UID: 1000 (mike) GID: 984 (users) Signal: 6 (ABRT) Timestamp: Tue 2024-06-25 08:16:22 CEST (24s ago) Command Line: multitail -cS monolog -l $'docker-compose...

Awesome, thank you. Now it works

Found a solution at https://github.com/ondevice/ondevice/blob/9d8a5d224fb574d682d0c256266ae59c15e9d912/service/service.go#L38 Adding SSH_ADDR env var to systemd unit file solved it. ``` [Unit] Description=ondevice daemon After=network.target auditd.service [Service] User=ondevice Environment=CONFFILE=/var/lib/ondevice/ondevice.conf Environment=PIDFILE=/var/run/ondevice/ondevice.pid Environment=SOCKFILE=/var/run/ondevice/ondevice.sock Environment=SSH_ADDR= # Due custom...