Mikael Ståldal

Results 17 comments of Mikael Ståldal

Furthermore, when trying to use a CustomSerializer, Json4s constructs a broken object which gives ClassCastException at runtime: Code: ``` import org.json4s.JsonAST.JString import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization import org.json4s.{CustomSerializer, DefaultFormats} case class Id(id: String)...

`ZQuery.collectAll(Option)` would be nice. I think it would be very easy to implement since there is already a `ZQuery.foreach(Option)`. Maybe some other overloads of `ZQuery.collectAll` as well (`Set`, `Array`).

rq now uses [avro-rs](https://github.com/flavray/avro-rs).

You can do this: ``` rq 'at "result" | spread | map (x) => { _.map(_.filter(x.identifiers, function(e) {return e.type === "NAME"}), function(e) {return [x.e_id, e.id, e.name]}) } | spread' ```...

Slightly better version: ``` rq 'at "result" | spread | map (x) => { _.map(_.filter(x.identifiers, e=>e.type === "NAME"), e=>[x.e_id, e.id, e.name]) } | spread' ```

I got a similar error when a dependency for a scala macro was missing, very hard to track down where it occured. In general, scala macros can fail for whatever...

I was able to solve this particular problem. But what I want to have fixed here is that bazel does not report where (in what source or BUILD file) the...

`Bazel already reports which build target fails.` No, it does not for me. At least not when running `build -k`.

Possible solution: ```kotlin @HtmlTagMarker inline fun C.fragment(crossinline block: TagConsumer.() -> Unit): T { try { this.block() } catch (err: Throwable) { this.onTagError(HTMLTag("", this, emptyMap(), null, inlineTag = false, emptyTag =...

Or no, that does not work properly, it ends up calling `TagConsumer.finalize()` multiple times. Back to the drawing board.