Mikołaj D.

Results 18 issues of Mikołaj D.

I thought that, as we're running on Node, we could check that each async test case was really finished when done() is called, by checking that the counts in `process._getActiveHandles().length`...

When I give an absolute path as the local path to `local.transfer`, it treats the path as if it was relative (so if I specify `/tmp/package.tar.gz`, it trats it as...


![screenshot 2015-08-13 12 36 35](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3027415/9247964/f19d2d54-41b7-11e5-8621-82353e4dc9f2.png) They do look nice, but when the log is saved to file without colors, it's impossible to tell what was printed on stdout and what...


Like this: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3027415/18672123/1fe4e9ea-7f47-11e6-9b62-15ab7776f7f5.png) I am aware that this code is ugly, but in any case, the comment shouldn't be removed.

It is moved in https://github.com/HubSpot/tether/blob/master/tether.js#L1013, called from https://github.com/HubSpot/tether/blob/master/tether.js#L910 (note that this line is executed regardless of `moveElement`).

I tried this: ``` > s = require('semver') > v='0.0.0' '0.0.0' > v = s.inc(v, 'premajor') '1.0.0-0' > v = s.inc(v, 'premajor') '2.0.0-0' > v = s.inc(v, 'premajor') '3.0.0-0' >...

I open this issue to research any tools that could automatically check if my styles are rscss-compliant. Maybe a fork of https://github.com/postcss/postcss-bem-linter would do? Maybe https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint with some custom config?...


Originally reported in https://github.com/sapegin/react-styleguidist/issues/13#issuecomment-146868948. I use an expression in `React.PropTypes.oneOf(...)`. This is the output from `react-docgen`: ``` { "description": "", "props": { "issue": { "type": { "name": "object" }, "required":...


I'll just throw some ideas in like [I did in one other plugin](https://github.com/wix/eslint-plugin-lodash/issues/4) - the plugin could: - check that the each file contains just one toplevel block - check...

Hi, I thought that it would be a good idea to spend some time on the docs so they're easier to read and more similar to other stylelint/eslint plugins. My...