Is it possible to create a sketch using fastas streamed through a pipe to dashing? I'm manipulating both assembled genomes and k-mers and would like to compare them in the...
Hi! I'm using the same references (-F) multiple times and thought it would be faster if I'd sketch them once and use only the sketches in the future for querying....
Hi! A small request to help with debugging. When a file does not exist when using `-F`/`-Q` Dashing outputs the following error: ``` terminate called after throwing an instance of...
Hi! The one2all/new2all give this information about the intersection sizes with a new sample: s1: 100/150 s2: 200/300 s3: 50/1000 ... Is there any way to get more detailed information...
Hi, I was trying out BIGSI through docker and encountered this error: ``` docker run -v $PWD/example-data:/data phelimb/bigsi bigsi bloom --config /data/configs/berkeleydb.yaml /data/kmers.txt /data/fromTxt.bloom ValueError: File format mismatch ``` Using...