
Results 4 comments of Mike

@EvilCodingMonkey it's normal with flypool + genoil, shares submitted drops drastically with time. I haven't tested with other pools, will check nanopool soon

@EvilCodingMonkey make a loop, e.g. :start start genoil.exe ARG1 ARG2 ... timeout 900 taskkill /F /IM genoil.exe timeout 2 goto start This will kill the miner every 15 minutes, which...

@EvilCodingMonkey Are you using genoil 0.5? I found 0.4.2 more stable so I'll stick to it right now. Also, have a look at the difficulty and pool stats. The shares...

@EvilCodingMonkey wait until ETH miners realize the situation and start switching over to ZEC...