Mihai Todor

Results 45 issues of Mihai Todor

Would you consider enabling redaction via struct tags? Ideally, I'd like to use it in combination with https://github.com/caarlos0/env like so: ```go type Config struct { Username string `env:"USERNAME" envDefault:"mihai"` Password...

While trying to replicate the Snowflake Kafka Connector functionality using [Benthos](https://benthos.dev/), I noticed that in Java they are [adding](https://github.com/snowflakedb/snowflake-kafka-connector/blob/9eaecdd625e13c708188dd6fad589dcc2b360903/src/main/java/com/snowflake/kafka/connector/records/SnowflakeAvroConverter.java#L199) `genericData.addLogicalTypeConversion(new Conversions.DecimalConversion())` in addition to the implicit conversions when converting AVRO...

This issue was introduced in [`v4.26.0`](https://github.com/benthosdev/benthos/releases/tag/v4.26.0) (commit 9f692589b). Steps to reproduce: ```shell > docker run --rm -p27017:27017 --name mongodb -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mongo > docker exec -it mongodb bash...


## Description Follow-up to #69. ## How Has This Been Tested? - [x] Integration Tests - [x] Unit Tests

Ideally, we shouldn't try to add `u` items in the DGK decryption map [here](https://github.com/mihaitodor/SeComLib/blob/f2652363c736edd875f9e28ad4cfbce72dc7e8fe/core/dgk.cpp#L512-L514), since we don't want to restrict the size of `u`. Instead, we should implement a mechanism...

Looking at [this code](https://github.com/mihaitodor/SeComLib/blob/f2652363c736edd875f9e28ad4cfbce72dc7e8fe/core/paillier.cpp#L240-L246) again, skipping the modulo `n^2` operation is probably a bad idea if the plaintext is a large number. I guess the optimal thing to do would...

Also add `retry_count` and `backoff_duration` metadata fields. Fixes #2544.

The `meta()` function is deprecated since v4.15.0, but it can still come in handy as a shortcut for `metadata("foo").string()` and `metadata().map_each(m -> m.string())` can be replaced with a call to...

It would be nice to have an alternative character such as the semicolon for separating Bloblang statements. Bonus: Have a CLI command which minifies Bloblang code (i.e. replaces newlines with...

ash pls