Mihai Todor

Results 45 issues of Mihai Todor

### Discussed in https://github.com/benthosdev/benthos/discussions/1416 Originally posted by **norbjd** August 25, 2022 Hello :wave: In the existing inputs, there is `aws_sqs`, but would it make sense to have `aws_sns` in **inputs**...

needs investigation

In some cases, users will need to specify the logical type in the `schema` field. Details here: https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md For example, when using `type: BYTE_ARRAY` to encode a string value, they...


Maybe this should be something like "Parquet schema mapping"? Right now, the [docs](https://www.benthos.dev/docs/components/processors/parquet_encode#schema) contain the following text: > Sorry! This field is missing documentation.

### Issue description Currently, I can use the following DSN: `@//?warehouse=&role=&authenticator=snowflake_jwt&privateKey=`. However, it's not a good security practice to embed the private key into the DSN, so I'd rather pass...


### Issue description I'd like to write some code which downloads a file from a Snowflake stage into an in-memory stream. However, it looks like this client library [only supports](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake#hdr-Using_GET)...


I believe this test should succeed, but I could be wrong... I'm trying to fix this other test https://github.com/benthosdev/benthos/blob/main/internal/impl/mongodb/input_test.go and it looks like there's smth wonky with the way `public/service/input_auto_retry.go`...

In the future, it might be worth injecting https://github.com/btnguyen2k/gocosmos as a driver for the `sql_*` components. TODO: - [ ] Add a processor too...

102dd33 introduced support for multipart codecs. However, it [uses](https://github.com/benthosdev/benthos/blob/d9d2583f3421ccb728ad237b4669ab31be212b03/internal/codec/reader.go#L139) `strings.Split(codec, "/")` to determine if the codec has multiple parts, which doesn't work if one is trying to configure a `regex`...


The author of https://github.com/goccy/go-json did a nice job putting together an emulator for BigQuery: https://github.com/goccy/bigquery-emulator which is built on top of https://github.com/goccy/go-zetasqlite


This is a revamp of #1583, where I did the initial exploration to add these components. Since then, [gocosmos](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/microsoft/gocosmos) became an official Microsoft SQL driver for CosmosDB and it is...