Mihai Soloi
Mihai Soloi
When compiling a multi-module project, `bloop` says how long each module takes. It would be really helpful for CI purposes to have a summary or a total time for compiling...
When working with Scala 2.13 I find it very useful to have the following list enabled as well in DEV mode: ``` List( "-explaintypes", // Explain type errors in more...
Adding support for the Streams API[1] offers some benefits, and is well matched for Monix's strengths which would allow interoperability with the KStream DSL[2]. This could be implemented as a...
I think it would be extremely helpful if we'd have a way to do blacklining on case classes, or collections to see which of the parameters are different. For example...
The way Gatling has a https://gatling.io/docs/gatling/reference/current/core/session/feeder/#jdbc-feeder it would be useful to have a CQL feeder.
When using `TestAspect.beforeAll` env vars don't get set using `TestSystem.putEnv`. I understand that ZIO-test provides each test with a separate copy of the test environment, perhaps we can set the...
This happens because some MAGIC bytes (e.g. `Array[Byte](0,0,0,0,1)`) get prepended to the byte array of the message.
A lot of the community has also been dropping the Scala 2.11 support as well.