Mihai Galos

Results 58 comments of Mihai Galos

How would one now handle semantically "empty" `kustomization.yaml` files with >v5.0.0 such as the following: ```yaml apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization ``` Building a base that references this file yields an...

~~I used an empty.yaml and referenced it in `resources` in kustomization.yaml.~~ I just used an empty list like so: `resources: []`

Seems the HEAD file doesn't exist in the following hierarchy when using the action: ['./.git/refs/remotes/origin/feat', './.git/refs/remotes/origin/fix', './.git/refs/remotes/origin/main'] I would expect a file called `.git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD` which contains `ref: refs/remotes/origin/main` for main.

Adding the `test` recipe now allows for easy testing: ```bash $ just test docker stop yubikeyedup || true yubikeyedup docker run --detach --name yubikeyedup --rm -it -v $(realpath yubikeys.sqlite3):/db/yubikeys.sqlite3 -v...

Seems to have no effect: ```bash » cargo tarpaulin -v --engine llvm .. 97.14% coverage, 34/35 lines covered, +0% change in coverage ```

> how much are colors really worth? We could conceivably do 1 "color" bit just using grey and black, and not use color ink at all. There are 2 dimmensions...

What kind of data are you after for encoding? It' a couple of kB per code anyway.

I did not fix it, I decided to not use it this way. I think the easiest way is to just use a plugin generator and write a Golang or...