Mihai Galos

Results 58 comments of Mihai Galos

> Boop. We still desire this 🙂 Then implement it, perhaps? 🙃

I see similar behavior (worker "NotReady") with the following version: ```bash Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:"v1.24.3+k3s1", GitCommit:"990ba0e88c90f8ed8b50e0ccd375937b841b176e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-07-19T01:10:03Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} ``` Each day, the `worker` loses connectivity with...

> Just showing what version you're running doesn't give us much to work with. Can you open a new issue, and attach k3s/k3s-agent journald logs from the nodes in question?...

Oh, true. What would be the better approach here? Perhaps a URL callback or just a server-side endpoint reporting back the progress in case of a `GET`.

(This is just for the sake of completeness: progress on both server and client side. Initial feature request was for the server. :smile:)

Ok, seems [mpart-async](https://github.com/cetra3/mpart-async) has a mechanism to tackle a `POST` from the client. Something like: ```rust while let Ok(Some(bytes)) = field.try_next().await { callback(bytes.len()); } ``` The callback can then handle...

Not sure if related, but I did see some problems with `git-secret 0.5.0` when I tried to reveal secrets which were not added at the top-level of the repo. It...

A single folder containing 1 source py file with the logic aand another with the test.

Seems I was missing `let test#python#runner = 'pyunit'` in my `.vimrc` and vim-test was using pytest by default, not pyunit. Also, by default `python` is called. Some platforms, such as...