Michael Haeuslmann
Michael Haeuslmann
I had a look at the code and saw that the listener has no access to PHPUnit or it's configuration (which never having done anything but testing with PHPUnit, I...
The ids of the headings would need to be adjusted to be: `(confluence slug of title)-(confluence slug of heading)(.1 etc. for duplicates)` Problem 1: figuring out how the Confluence slugging...
Using the Confluence macro would also be an interesting alternative which probably works better anyways.
Hi @janpawellek and rest, sorry for slacking off :( I transitioned in my job and didn't give this project as much attention as it deserves. I'll try to get this...
Hi @beeyev, you're right, thanks for the report. I'll try to get to it this weekend.
Hey @szepeviktor so you want to both test PHP 8 code and execute `dephpend` from PHP 8. Makes sense :sweat_smile: Before I jump on this: apart from the failing test...
Even cooler that you're trying to help out :hugs: Cudos! :sunglasses: I figured out the problem, and maybe I'll get around to fixing it tonight. I'll fix it in your...
Yeah, I saw the Invoker package. Three problem won't be the constructors. Right now the issue lies in Container::getInvoker because that is where the configuration is hard coded and that's...
@J7mbo 's approach did not work for me. I solved the problem by injecting JavaScript using the driver: ```php /** * @Given /^I confirm the dialog$/ * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException */...
> @mihaeu You saved my day. Thanks a ton. Your solution worked for me on behat 3.* You're most welcome.