Miguel Prada

Results 8 issues of Miguel Prada

This package's launch files expose `min_payload` and `max_payload` arguments, which are used to set equally named parameters, but those parameters are not used anywhere.

help wanted

The `max_velocity` parameter, if found, is used to set both `ActionServer::max_velocity_` and `VelocityInterface::max_vel_change_` (a.k.a. max acceleration?). This doesn't make much sense, and to make matters worse, the default values provided...


`ROSController` is run in the same thread as `RTPublisher`, i.e. the _consumer_ thread in the `RTPacket` pipeline. It is generally considered a bad practice to use regular ROS publishers in...


Related to #577. The [`trajectory_interface::sample(...)`](https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_controllers/blob/aa9c32b8ea8f83cb578cde82619f78e720fef89c/joint_trajectory_controller/include/trajectory_interface/trajectory_interface.h#L137-L152) method does not populate `state.time_from_start`, because [`QuinticSplineSegment::sample(...)`](https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_controllers/blob/aa9c32b8ea8f83cb578cde82619f78e720fef89c/joint_trajectory_controller/include/trajectory_interface/quintic_spline_segment.h#L116-L132) doesn't either. Not completely sure of the _semantics_ of `PosVelAccState::time_from_start` (from start of the segment or the trajectory?)...

I noticed some of the packages in this repo do not declare some of their direct dependencies in their manifests, e.g.: - `kdl_conversions` [requires `cpp_common`](https://github.com/ros/geometry/blob/ea5eb79f479223d2b95f0a5e051554fbaceca7ff/kdl_conversions/include/kdl_conversions/kdl_msg.h#L44) - `tf` [requires `tf2`](https://github.com/ros/geometry/blob/ea5eb79f479223d2b95f0a5e051554fbaceca7ff/tf/include/tf/exceptions.h#L36) (also...

The [_Examples and Ideas for Communicating with Non-ROS Topics_](http://design.ros2.org/articles/topic_and_service_names.html#examples-and-ideas-for-communicating-with-non-ros-topics) section in [_Topic and Service name mapping to DDS_](http://design.ros2.org/articles/topic_and_service_names.html) article presents an example where a DDS topic name containing a forward...

help wanted

I just spent a good while figuring out some segmentation faults I was getting in a very simple example using _librFSM_, and it all came down to confusion caused by...