Marais van Zyl

Results 7 comments of Marais van Zyl

apk downloads work, but ipa downloads fail. Unfortunately I can't give you any ipa files - corporate rules etc etc. I have seen the same for a zip file, but...

Any chance that img could be revived? Possibly adding additional maintainers that could help? Looking at the [network graph](, it would seem there are active developers that could help with...

@mschultz-aofl a question unrelated to the issue here, but related to your script. The `${password}` you use there for the login keychain, would this be the password set by macos-init...

Bamboo gave the following feedback in a support ticket: > In the Extra arguments for the docker run box that you have in the Bamboo job docker configuration page, can...

Any indications on when this will see progress again? Merging this will greatly improve integrations.

Seeing the same with aws sdk ``` Error parsing file error="/src/aws/ecs.go:9:2: could not import (invalid package name: \"\")" dry-run=false version=v2.14.1 ``` go.sum: ``` v1.44.126 h1:7HQJw2DNiwpxqMe2H7odGNT2rhO4SRrUe5/8dYXl0Jk= v1.44.126/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo=...

Before formal reports are being provided/supported here, would it not be of more value to provide a dependency-track datasource for something like Grafana? Doing that will allow me to build...