Midhun Nair
Midhun Nair
Hi @VickiLanger. I would also like to contribute. Can I add an event for country India?
Hello @kimwnasptd . I can take a shot at this.
+1 on this issue. This issue could solve the CD approach partially too. We could have an argo workflow which could do CD for us. This workflow could be triggered...
Hi @SubJunk . Can I take up this issue?
Hi @SubJunk ! I have figured out what the problem here is. The reason why the zip file is being saved with an old date is because the `zippedLogFile` variable...
@tenzen-y Do you own this issue or are you looking for any help on this? 🙂 I'm willing to help.
Got it. Thanks for letting me know @tenzen-y . Let me know if you need help.
> @anencore94 Thank you for your answer > > > ``` > apiVersion: apps/v1 > kind: Deployment > metadata: > annotations: > deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "31" > kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | > {"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"katib.kubeflow.org/component":"mysql"},"name":"katib-mysql","namespace":"kubeflow"},"spec":{"replicas":1,"selector":{"matchLabels":{"katib.kubeflow.org/component":"mysql"}},"strategy":{"type":"Recreate"},"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"sidecar.istio.io/inject":"false"},"labels":{"katib.kubeflow.org/component":"mysql"}},"spec":{"containers":[{"args":["--datadir","/var/lib/mysql/datadir"],"env":[{"name":"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD","valueFrom":{"secretKeyRef":{"key":"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD","name":"katib-mysql-secrets"}}},{"name":"MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD","value":"true"},{"name":"MYSQL_DATABASE","value":"katib"}],"image":"mysql:8.0.26","livenessProbe":{"exec":{"command":["/bin/bash","-c","mysqladmin ping...
> @johnugeorge Thanks again. > > If I change it to 8.0.30, I get the following messages from the logs > > ``` > 2022-08-29 18:54:18+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script...
Looks like a good issue to get me started. @ricab and @sharder996 Is anyone working on this? 😃