Yi Zhai

Results 23 comments of Yi Zhai

> hmm, BLE monitor assumes MiBeacon V3 encrypted for both, with the "short" 24 byte encryption key. It might be that Xiaomi/Yeelight has done a firmware update on the YLKG08YL,...

> You might get the key with xiaomi cloud token extractor, if it is added in MiHome. It gets the key from the cloud and works in windows Yes... but...

> > 最新版本的Midea ac lan可以接入热水器了,立马下载安装了一下,发现了几个问题: 热水器调温后可以同步至ha,但是ha调温后无法同步至热水器,几秒钟后恢复为热水器之前的温度。 热水器型号为燃气热水器JSQ30-16HC4,可能是set_temperature方法的实现有些问题; ~然后是Homekit接入的问题,由于本集成的模式选择为 "Shower Mode", "Kitchen Mode", "Bathtub Mode", "Temperature Mode", "Cloud Mode", "Energy Saving",并不能严格对应HA默认的模式(参考 https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/water-heater/ ),导致在Homekit中无法选择相应模式,这其实不影响什么,因为模式调节其实也无所谓。但是一个关键问题在于没有提供"STATE_OFF"模式,导致Homekit中会一直显示正在加热,不能显示关闭的状态~ 刚试了试,HA官方接入就没把这个弄明白,不管什么模式都会显示加热,没法关闭😂 > > 你要是方便,打开调试模式,然后提供一下调温时的日志看看。 > > 至于State,我倒是没注意,直接按空调的模式写了,以后会改成标准返回。 我有空的时候试一下发上来

> 应该是不同的Subtype的热水器使用的控制协议不同,该子型号热水器使用了更新的协议。 > > 应该可以解决。 我又去看了一下log,结果如下: ``` 2022-08-28 20:34:52.048 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.midea_ac_lan.midea.core.device] [196812582857183] Sending: {'header': 'aa0ce3ef000000000002', 'body': '0101', 'message type': '02', 'body type': '01'} 2022-08-28 20:34:52.230 DEBUG (美的热水器) [custom_components.midea_ac_lan.midea.devices.e3.device] [196812582857183]...

> > > 应该是不同的Subtype的热水器使用的控制协议不同,该子型号热水器使用了更新的协议。 > > > 应该可以解决。 > > > > > > 我又去看了一下log,结果如下: > > ``` > > 2022-08-28 20:34:52.048 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.midea_ac_lan.midea.core.device] [196812582857183] Sending: {'header': 'aa0ce3ef000000000002', 'body':...

更新至0.3.12后并使用https://github.com/georgezhao2010/midea_ac_lan/pull/92 中的修复方式后温度可以调整了,谢谢!

如果网关是ga014s的话可以用我这个集成 https://bbs.hassbian.com/thread-17241-1-1.html 如果是那个30多块的暂时无解,可以考虑换cc面板之后再用本repo的集成

Since Linptech has updated the motion sensor to version 2, I think it is better to use this log: https://github.com/AlexxIT/XiaomiGateway3/issues/809#issuecomment-1242608550

> float with lux on motion and float with minutes on no motion events. spec also has battery and lux without motion, but i didnt saw such events (however log...

> float with lux on motion and float with minutes on no motion events. spec also has battery and lux without motion, but i didnt saw such events (however log...