Amtm Install flex qos Under sys log Under qos. Cannot see flexqos in the menu tab Jul 25 08:04:21 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/service-event-end (args: restart qos) Jul 25 08:04:21 custom_script: Running...
So far so good. 
excited to see new release coming. I am still using 386.07_2-gnuton due to GUI and RAM issues on 388
dirty upgrade from 386 to TUF-AX5400_388.2_beta1_puresqubi.w too. 
after 10hours, flooded with cfg_server, cannot access web gui killall -9 cfg_server to get webgui working again TUF5400 as main, XD4 as aimesh node 
@Rovasteen you have aimesh node?
i am having same issues on tuf-ax5400 with 388.2_2_0-gnuton1 it works for a few days, and start to show blank like above