Michael Kroll
Michael Kroll
### Description Given an Entity tree ``` ExampleEntity [id: long, name: String] +-- @Embedded ExampleEmbeddable embed +-- @ManyToOne Referenced exampleRef [id: long, value: String] ``` The following query fails: ```...
Please do your magic and provide `16.0-patched.json` 🪄
Builds of https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle are uploaded to https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ Currently the source and the resulting jar ist copied manually to https://github.com/checkstyle/eclipse-cs/tree/master/net.sf.eclipsecs.checkstyle But why? These artifacts can be referenced (and unpacked, if you...
Given example code that uses a generated `ExamplePortType` (any should suffice): ```java import com.example.generated.ExamplePortType; import io.quarkiverse.cxf.annotation.CXFClient; import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest; import io.quarkus.test.junit.mockito.InjectMock; @QuarkusTest class ExamplePortTypeInjectMockTest { @InjectMock @CXFClient ExamplePortType examplePortTypeMock; @Test void...
Here is a simple Testcase. When simply creating a table and then a related view, the sorting works: first table, then view. But if the table is altered after creating...
This app is really useful, not only for shopping lists, but for all kind of TODO lists. My entries have a bit more text than a typical "milk, eggs, beer"...
Currently, the INCLUDE and FROM do not work with supplied build-args, eg.: ``` ARG BASE_DOCKERFILE INCLUDE ./path/${BASE_DOCKERFILE} ``` or ``` ARG BASE_DOCKERFILE FROM ./path/${BASE_DOCKERFILE} ``` This is in contrast to...