Results 101 issues of Mickaël Menu

Hi, It seems that [recently Apple changed something]( in their validation process, and now we can't submit any build for review containing GCDWebServer. > **ITMS-90792**: Invalid font - There was...


### Discussed in Originally posted by **@dzintars** June 3, 2022 Hi all. REALLY impressive tooling! :) I have a question about Heading ID autocompletion? Is it possible? I know...

feature request

`zk` can provide a basic integration with any [LSP-compatible]( text editor by shipping a Language Server. PR #21 implements a proof of concept server showing promising results, but there's more...


_Originally posted by @daephx in I don't know if this was mentioned but I didn't see any other relevant issues. It appears the LSP attempts to check wikilink syntax...


### Discussed in Originally posted by **srid** April 27, 2022 Would this be in scope for `zk`? Basically: ``` zk rename Foo "Bar Qux" ``` will rename `` to...

help wanted
feature request

### Discussed in Originally posted by **rgoncalvesse** February 4, 2022 Am I am missing something or is there still no shell completion? Actually, I would separate the completion in...

feature request

It looks like using special characters in the YAML frontmatter or note titles might be breaking the indexing. > Ahh, I'm wondering if certain characters in a filename or title...


The range used when creating a new note from the visual selection with a code action is incorrect if the buffer is unsaved.


Many Zettelkasten use a YAML frontmatter to provide note metadata, e.g.: ```yaml --- title: Improve the structure of essays by rewriting date: 2011-05-16 09:58:57 keywords: [writing, essay, practice] --- ```...


[Named filters]( are currently expanded only in the path argument of filtering options, e.g. ```toml [filter] draft = "--tag 'draft OR todo'" ``` ```sh $ zk list draft --interactive ```...
