Sure, here is the output. I added only the errors. Yesterday my License expiered, i only upgraded the "Security & Service Plus" License today. Capabilities: 33 items [access] disabling: False...
i installed the WeConnect ID App temporary. With this App i can not control my preHeater. Only with the "We Connect" App i can choose between Climatisation and PreHeater.
is it planned to support the "We Connect Backend" ?
@tillsteinbach i can give you access to my car. when do you want to test?
only got this channels. which should i use to control the preheater? /vehicles/VV/controls/charging /vehicles/VV/controls/climatisation /vehicles/VV/controls/windowheating /vehicles/VV/controls/honkAndFlash /vehicles/VV/controls/wakeup caps: [userCapabilities] Elements: 1 items [capabilitiesStatus] Capabilities: 36 items [access] disabling: False (expires...
VW disabled the "We Conncted" App and i now switched to the "Volkswagen" App. With the "Volkswagen" app i can control now my preHeater like before with "We Connected" App....
Found the Debug Logging Option here the Warnings: ``` WARNING:weconnect:/vehicles/WVWZZZ/domains/climatisation/climatisationSettings: Unknown attribute heaterSource with value automatic WARNING:weconnect:/vehicles/WVWZZZ/domains/measurements/rangeStatus: Unknown attribute totalRange_km with value 438 WARNING:weconnect:/vehicles/WVWZZZ: Unknown attribute fuelLevelStatus with value {'value':...