Michele Riva

Results 79 comments of Michele Riva

Hi @Connum , I'm gonna check it asap 😄

@darthnithin thanks for noticing this! I'm updating the package asap.

Hi @enkeyz thank you so much! Any contribution is welcome 🙂

@brendanatlifewise have you updated your host file?

Hi @cj, thank you again for showing how to solve this problem! Would you mind opening a PR for this? 🙂

That's definitely a missing feature. I'll work on this and update you ASAP!

You're right, but we had some problems in the past while publishing the `dist` folder only. Let me try pull your branch and test a publication on Verdaccio 🙂

@iShibi for some reason this is not working. Would you mind testing a publication against a local version of Verdaccio?

@iShibi I was able to publish on Verdaccio too, but after trying to install from there, I don't get the `dist` folder

Thanks for the heads up, I'll verify this with my team