> I got the same error. > You need to install the package: Multiplayer HLAPI The HLAPI is deprecated in Unity 2020 and no longer available as far as I...
I am also trying to get this to work. I have followed the instructions for [Keyless authentication](https://developers.google.com/ar/develop/unity/cloud-anchors/developer-guide-android) but I keep getting the same Error Not Authorized. Is this really not...
Yes I had the same experience! I switched to Rhasspy 2.5 too. I started with Deepspeech as I was hoping that would be the answer, but after trying Kaldi I...
I have the same issue on 2021.3.15f and intel macbook pro. For me the solution was to use the version with bundled dependencies, remove the external dependencies manager from the...
The solution was to download the external dependency manager unity package from [this link](https://developers.google.com/unity/packages#external_dependency_manager_for_unity). When importing, it will throw an error in the console saying that there is a conflict...