Michel de Rooij

Results 5 issues of Michel de Rooij

Added update of Bindings when updating connector Added replacement of "Server Name" in Connector Name with new "Server Name" (to support those "Default " connectors)

MT.1024 Designate more than one global admin and MT.1024 Use least privileged administrative roles Both tests fail when PIM is utilized for assigning GA roles. Check current GA roles and...

work started

Used: Module 0.0.127 Test: MT1020 Test-MtCaExclusionForDirectorySyncAccount test "GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/directoryRoles(roleTemplateId='d29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32')?$select=id" returns 404 Not Found when there is no ADConnect account present. Result: Not Found is expected when there is no account...

Several references to ConvertTo-MtMaesterResult, but cmd still not present (0.0127) What build can we expect that?

Scenario: The ManagePermissionGrantsForSelf is not configured (admin-only consent). Test: https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/policies/authorizationPolicy .permissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole | Sort-Object -Descending | select-object -first 1 = 'ManagePermissionGrantsForSelf.microsoft-user-default-low' EIDSCA.AP08 test fails because permissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole does not contain ManagePermissionGrantsForSelf and...