Michel Krämer

Results 20 comments of Michel Krämer

I'm experiencing the same problem. I just opened the example.html in Firefox and it displays only one line. Chrome is the same by the way. Cheers, Michel

There's a file header in `clamp.js` and `clamp.min.js` saying `Released under the WTFPL license`. Hope this helps! Michel

Are you talking about the `makeCitation` method itself or only about the variant that accepts `citationPre` and `citationPost`? There will be a `makeCitation` method in v3, but I have to...

Thanks for the pull request. I'm not sure if that's the solution to your problem though. Can you provide a small sample build script (not a large complex project) that...

Thanks for the analysis and the test project. You were on the right track! I've fixed the issue and released a new version 5.1.1. Please try again. (Please also consider...

Can you please provide more information? What exactly is the problem? What are you expecting and what is happening instead? If possible, provide a sample build script to reproduce the...

Good idea. I'll have a look at the requirements and will try to understand how to contribute to this project. I'll keep you updated.

Thank you so much for all your work. I'm just catching up with it... This pull request seems to be very good. I haven't tested it yet. That's the next...

Is the file that import `Something.ts` in the root of your classpath maybe? Files outside the classpath cannot be loaded. If this does not apply, please send me a small...