Michał Chudziak

Results 39 issues of Michał Chudziak

> Percent values are supported natively since React Native 0.43. EStyleSheet passes them through to original StyleSheet except cases, when you use calculations with percents, e.g. "100% - 20". Percents...


# Overview Added support for TurboModules on iOS and Android. # Test Plan - The module works with an application using new RN architecture - TurboModule interface is used on...

## Ask your Question As discussed, we should migrate from [android.location API](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/package-summary). I'd like to use this issue to start the discussion on potential alternatives. Reference libraries: - [react-native-geolocation-service](https://github.com/Agontuk/react-native-geolocation-service) -...

help wanted

## Description Build commands are core CLI features, they take care of building the final artifact. The command should be invokable as follows: ```yarn react-native-brownfield build-android``` The command should utilize...

## Description Build commands are core CLI features, they take care of building the final artifact. The command should be invokable as follows: ```yarn react-native-brownfield build-ios``` The command should utilize...

## Description We need to add support for configuration file instead of adding various CLI options. A `react-native-brownfield` config can be created in these three ways (ordered by priority): `react-native-brownfield.config.js`...

We can add an option to integrate OTA updates to the artifact (codepush?)

1. We either specify a file or directory of files that would serve as input to generator 2. Files should be structured in some way? (investigate RN codegen) 2.1 We...