Michail Brynard
Michail Brynard
Hi @CyberDem0n I think you are right about it being a DCS communication issue. Looking at the patroni logs (edited), I see: ``` 2018-03-14 13:14:02,853 WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None,...
Just an update on this: since upgrading to the following settings two weeks ago, we've not yet seen the issue reappear on GKE: > retry_timeout: 20 > loop_wait: 10 >...
Ah ok, I didn't realize that. I was testing with the `registry.opensource.zalan.do/acid/spilo-9.5` image.
@kwiesmueller Are you also trying to run spilo with a custom PGDATA environmental variable set when you get the error and if so, are you building the container with the...
This code is for generating addresses from an XPUB. When generating from an XPUB, you are only able to derive the public key and the address and not the corresponding...
@csbadhe Hmmm, it looks like my example above is giving the hex representation of the HDPrivateKey object. It looks like if you keep everything the same as above, this should...
Hmmm, I think you need to be running Python 3.
After a bit of googling, at first glance it looks like this might outline the approach I'm looking for: https://github.com/jcbsmpsn/gke-rbac-walkthrough