Mikey Lombardi (He/Him)

Results 146 comments of Mikey Lombardi (He/Him)

Glad you got things working, @griimick - I've hit snag after snag 😓

fwiw @enkessler, was trying to work around similar CI failures for our own work (relevant ticket in puppetlabs/pdk#1083) and then doing some further local investigation today, I found that the...

@maaslalani it does! ```powershell fzf --version fzf $a = fzf $a ``` ```text 0.32.0 (f7e7259) gummy.txt gummy.txt ``` ![shows `fzf` write its version, return output, and be used as a...

Looking around, I'm not seeing too many places where they're doing Windows-specific handling. 1. [`func (r *Reader) feed(src io.Reader)`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/a8e7021be2a09f722b95bc6e8216297cfae9e135/src/reader.go#L132-L135) Here they are chomping the CRLF instead of the LF when...

I wonder if it's possible to use the `mediaDb.json` file for this - automatically associating media files with documents they're added to when added through the image snippets, possibly being...

So in this case, it'd be using event/regex triggers but specific _only_ to the person who requested them? Something like: > !notify me when @rayterrill is online Then when you...

I've got some other contributions I'm making this week, so if someone picks this up in the near future, great! If not, I'll keep this on my back burner. Sounds...

Being able to execute inside a JEA endpoint would be useful.

@megamorf, hit me up and I'll get you added to the DevOpsLibrary slack where some/a lot of this takes place. 😄 Also, we're keeping an eye on mattermost here and...

Since I don't have a good way to actually write and test updates to the PowerShell itself for a while, I'll start tackling the help and docs generally.