Michael Jones

Results 75 comments of Michael Jones

I am attempting to use the current `combine::stream::state::Stream` but I'm afraid I'm struggling. Mostly because I am still relatively new to Rust (though a few 10s or more of hours...

I'm nervous to share my attempts as I don't like exposing my ignorance but I also want to look like I've tried so this was my very basic attempt: ```rust...

Thank you so much for taking the time. I'm embarrassed. I got so lost in my early attempts that I didn't even notice that this error was for a different...

Definitely made some progress thanks to your help. I hope I don't mind me continuing to trouble you but at the moment the compiler is crashing :/ I'm getting: ```...

Thanks for the quick response. I'll try to switch to opaque and see how that goes. I don't think I'm in the best position to create a reproduction for the...

I've just tried to switch over to using opaque instead. With this code: ```rust pub fn type_annotation( ) -> combine::parser::combinator::FnOpaque where Input: combine::Stream, Input::Error: ParseError, { opaque!(combine::parser::combinator::no_partial(combine::choice(( combine::attempt(function_type_annotation()), unit(), parens_type_annotation(),...

I've not super familiar with this part of the code but it looks like `nodeDef.includes` are handled in the `sphinxrenderer.py` file for union, class, namespace and the more generic `compound`...

Hi, you might want to try changing the cache that Breathe uses. By default it just stuffs all the results of parsing files into a dictionary which is created here:...

Also, thanks for using Breathe and for raising this issue! :)

Do you have any results from this at all? Happy to introduce a basic cache/no-cache flag to the main configuration options to help people deal with this.