Michael McDermott
Michael McDermott
> Hi, there is one more important step left to run your integration. It is: > > ``` > kamel run Example.java > ``` My bad, that's a bit of...
So, starting fresh, I get CRD installation errors. ``` $ export NS=example $ minikube delete $ minikube start --driver=podman --container-runtime=containerd --addons=registry,dashboard,olm $ kubectl create namespace $NS $ kubectl config set-context...
OK, I think my previous error was an error installing OLM which I worked around by manually pulling the image first. With the following sequence: ``` $ export NS=example $...
Events from `k describe ik`: ``` Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal IntegrationKitPhaseUpdated 2m44s camel-k-integration-kit-controller Integration Kit "kit-cb82mq4tgdqc73a5603g" in phase "Build Submitted" Normal IntegrationKitPhaseUpdated...
After experimenting a little more, I think this is tied to the detection of the registry. If I use Docker Hub, everything works on both Minikube and Kind.
Continuing the experiment, if I run the registry: ```` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2c726839ea18 docker.io/library/registry:2 /etc/docker/regis... About an hour ago Up About an hour ago>5000/tcp...
Good deal - do you still need that SVG file?