Michael Kay

Results 12 comments of Michael Kay

It should be possible to run the Woodstox XML parser with the Saxon schema validator, simply by invoking Saxon's SchemaValidator API (see https://www.saxonica.com/documentation/index.html#!javadoc/net.sf.saxon.s9api/SchemaValidator) using `validate(Source)` where the supplied `Source` is...

Yes, I always think of Woodstox as a pull parser because that's how I use it, but now you mention it, you can do the pull-push loop either in Woodstox...

Yes, we (more specifically my colleague O'Neil Delpratt) are actively working on getting Saxon to work under GraalVM; and as you've found, dynamic loading and reflection is the main challenge....

We use xmldom (at any rate, the dom.js module) in Saxon-JS. We probably forked our copy 3 or 4 years ago, but kept changes to a minimum. We've made a...

I'll see if I can cherry-pick our changes and submit those that are relevant as PRs, especially if someone else can volunteer to run all the tests (we know the...

I think that if you have more than one version of the Saxon classes on the classpath, it's very unpredictable which is going to be loaded, and in general you...

Some other points about the specification here. (a) the feature only affects parsers created by the transformation engine, it does not affect parsers used by the engine but created elsewhere,...

Thanks for the response. I can confirm that there were no ICU4N.resources files in the bin folder. I've deleted the bin and obj folders as suggested, and the immediate effect...

I've now rebuilt everything: did a good clear-out of my .NET and Rider installations, and created a new solution/project. I'm getting the same failure. A file named ICU4N.resources.dll is present...

I have now established that the same basic code is working in another project (with an earlier version of Saxon). The most obvious difference between the projects is that the...