michael faith

Results 69 comments of michael faith

Confirmed. I just tested using this in the `angular.json` `styles` array: ```json "styles": [ "@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css", "src/styles.scss" ], ``` Their `package.json` has this export: ``` "./prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css": { "style": "./prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css" }, ```...

Thanks. I can work with that. Do you think exported styles will be able to be used in the `angular.json` like that at some point in the future?

I've posted this issue to enable module resolution from package `exports` for entries in the `angular.json` styles array, as discussed above. This will be necessary for fully supporting yarn pnp....

Looking at your repo, i don't see `tippy.js` in your package dependencies. And looking at tippy's `package.json` i don't see that they're exporting any of their css files. So I'm...

I stand corrected. I did a quick test with Create React App, just to see if tippy had issues with yarn pnp and React. I did the following: - Created...

@Lonli-Lokli After downloading your repo, installing `tippy.js` (`yarn add tippy.js`) as an explicit dependency and updating your `styles.scss` to use `@import` instead of `meta.load-css` it's working. ``` @import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css'; @import...

Agreed, should probably be addressed by the loader. And looks like `@use` fails too ``` @use 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css' as *; @use 'tippy.js/themes/light.css' as *; @use 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css' as *; ```

@tiberiuzuld I'm seeing a similar issue in a library I'm responsible for, which is set for partial Ivy. Specifically getting an error simlar to this one: `Error: Failed: "Failed to...

I created a bug in the jest-preset-angular repo for this issue, and provided a repo that demonstrates the issue, using this gridster library.

We've found that running ngcc after install (postinstall on the top level package.json) solves the issue.