Michael Firbank
Michael Firbank
Hello I'm running meica on a Windows 10 machine, with a bash shell under Windows Subsystem for Linux, with command `meica.py -d MJF_180_ME_1.nii,MJF_180_ME_2.nii,MJF_180_ME_3.nii -e 14.8,37.98,61.16 --tpattern=seq-z --prefix MJF_180_multiecho` I get...
In the ASL section, under pcasl, https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/appendices/arterial-spin-labeling.html the specification reads "Additionally, the BackgroundSuppressionPulseTime's is required in case BackgroundSuppression was applied." However, I think the BackgroundSuppressionPulseTime is only a recommended parameter,...