Michael Alex
Michael Alex
Hi Hasan, Actually, the program crashes once I hit the menu bar and try to locate an ini file. Or it crashes long before that. So, the crashes are not...
Hi Hasan, Deleting the conf file didn't help; the app (ver 0.11.0) closed quickly after starting it, and the new conf file had one extremely long line of stuff like...
**Just a follow-up and confirmation:** I started up another Ubuntu machine today and serial plot crashed like it did last night. But I then modified the config file, setting "periodicCheck=false"...
Yikes! On my two Ubuntu systems today Serialplot crashed and I found that in the config file [UpdateCheck] section that the value of "periodicCheck" was once again set back to...
Is there a way to prevent the config file [UpdateCheck] section from being modified by the application? The "periodicCheck" field is still being set to "true" when I close the...
Yes, the syntax is correct for the statement: periodicCheck=false I'm not sure how to build from source. . On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 10:33 AM Hasan Yavuz ÖZDERYA <...
Q: Can you also make sure the Check updates periodically is checked off before closing the application. A: Yeah, I do this and it still crashes, even before I can...