Michael Lehning
Michael Lehning
Please change to the repository sick_scan_xd and rerun you tests. I think you will see a similar message there if you have a slow or unstable network connection. But this...
Can you please send the log output as a text file (or alternatively as a screenshot)? Also, please check if you have set the lidar to COLA-B? You can change...
We will check this during the next week.
Maybe this link could help: https://www.sick.com/de/en/detection-and-ranging-solutions/2d-lidar-sensors/tim7xx/tim781s-2174104/p/p594149
>> Would just have 1 more question which is how do i write my own python scripts to send and received signal/tele command to my 781s Lidar? Handle the data...
Here is the specific link for the command communication. Compare the commands given their with the log output after starting the driver. This will give you in combination with source...
For older python version like 3.8 use the following modifications for `utils.py`: 1. Add `from typing import Tuple` in the file header 2. Replace `tuple` with `Tuple` in draw_box and...