Michael Rubél

Results 56 comments of Michael Rubél

Sadly, but looks like the maintainer is inactive on GitHub.

> that would be very cool.  I always found this repository a very useful place to start looking for info and it would be great if someone would just fork...

And problems with compiling SASS assets using Laravel Mix (Laravel 8). ``` mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js') .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css') .options({ postCss: [ require('postcss-css-variables')() ] }); ``` ``` ERROR in ./resources/sass/app.scss Module build failed...

Hello @rarestoma Additionally, images for the calendar do not exist in the archive and in the NPM package, so build fails. It will be ideal if you can fix it...

> What version of PageSpeed do you have installed in nginx? X-Page-Speed:

Startup isn't failed but in /?PageSpeedFilters=+debug these options always false. I did turn off parameters that can overwrite this (resize_images, resize_rendered_image_dimensions, inline_images). ``` if (options->image_preserve_urls() && !options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kResizeImages) && !options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kResizeToRenderedImageDimensions) &&...

![rewrite](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37669560/70442735-2fa5cb80-1a97-11ea-8a30-39c057a7b493.png) Something here can override it? Just turned whole config off;

Ok, here's the whole config. All the parameters I turned off in test is turned on; [config.zip]

> Hi @ObserverMichael > Maybe not related but you have this; > `pagespeed Disallow wildcard_spec;` > in optimize.conf. > > In nginx config files how these files are included? >...

> I will say that wilcard_spec is literal in the config file, they must be a regex expresion like * or /name*.... Yeah I know, I will remove that in...